Opening address: J. de Hoon
Part I: Pharmacokinetics: does the headache matter? Chair: J. de Hoon
Migraine and nasal drug delivery. F. Merkus (NL)
Bio-equivalence in migraine: influence of migraine on pharmacokinetics and gastric emptying. B. Van der Schueren, J. de Hoon (B)
Coffee break
Part II: Free communications. Chair: David Kernick
Arterial structure and function in migraine. F. Vanmolkot, L. Van Bortel, J. de Hoon (B)
Visual Masking in migraine. G. Wyatt, A.J. Shepherd (UK)
Headache and ophtalmoplegia: ophtalmoplegic migraine or “cranial neuralgia”? R.J.M. Lane, P.T.G. Davies (UK)
Dipyridamole and headache: a critical review. F.M. van der Toorn, P.J. Koehler (NL)
A case of neck related chronic cluster headache successfully treater with manipulative physiotherapy: general diagnostic and management implications. C. Fursdon Davis, C. Braund, P.T.G. Davies (UK)
The red ear syndrome. C.C. Staatsen, P.J. Koehler (NL)
Afternoon session: Chair: Wim Mulleners
Invited lecture: Clinical research in migraine: where is the future taking us? T.J. Steiner
Paper of the year election. Moderators: E.G.M. Couturier and Debbie Reynolds
Coffee break
15th Marcia Wilkinson Lecture by Roger Cull; introduced by Paul Davies (UK)
AGM (members only)